Food for Thought throws second back-to school party in two weeks

On the heels of their South Caicos Back to School Party, Food for Thought hosted another Back to School Party at the recently restored Horse Stable Beach on Saturday 22 September 2018 for the school children of North and Middle Caicos. It was a beautiful location for a full-filled day.

With the help of several generous members of the community, and with the kind support of event sponsors JACA TCI, ERA Turks & Caicos Real Estate and My Dee’s Restaurant, hundreds of people on the twin islands were treated to a day of great entertainment!

The kids and adults alike enjoyed cheeseburgers, hot dogs, fresh fruit, drinks, and goodie bags from Food for Thought as well as popcorn and snow-cones by WooHoo, face- painting by Khye’s Body Art, a bouncy castle from My Dee’s and a sea floatie sponsored by Sixt Rent a Car. DJ Space kept the party vibes going all afternoon.

As an additional bonus for the students, Parrot Cay representatives stopped by the event to present a cheque to the schools.

The charity’s co-founder Jeanne Savory was pleased with the party’s turnout and enormously grateful to all the sponsors and volunteers. “We are so thankful to JACA TCI and ERA for their support of this successful event, and also tremendously grateful to have the help and ongoing support of Merrica Handfield and My Dee’s Restaurant! Merrica really goes above and beyond for us whenever she can.

Thanks also to the District Commissioner for her assistance, and to our wonderful volunteers, including Rori, the fantastic Thompson family from Middle Caicos, Felicia Lewis, and a number of kind teachers who gave their time to help out. We are also grateful to Caribbean Cruisin’ and Nick’s Rent a Car who assisted with transportation.

We were pleased to welcome the Minister for Education Honourable Karen Malcolm to our party, and would like to thank her for her ongoing support at our events.”

